Use only lukewarm water in the shower. The hotter the water, the drier your skin becomes.
Use soap only as needed. Try using a gentle soap
like Cetaphil or Dove only where you need it: underarms, feet, groin, etc.
IMMEDIATELY after showering, smear on a thick
moisturizer and then towel dry. This
helps seal in the moisture from the shower.
I like Vanicream Skin Cream and Vanicream Lite Skin Lotion. If you are very dry, consider using Vaseline
or Aquaphor.
You may need it a few times a day! Everyone’s skin is unique and some folks are
drier than others. Especially if you are
prone to sensitive skin or eczema, you may need moisturizer morning, noon, and
night. If your skin still appears ashy
or scaly, you need more moisturizer!