Monday, June 20, 2016

Insect bites - How to protect and treat

        Insect bites - How to protect and treat       

Everyone's least favorite part of summer...insect bites! From mosquitos to chiggers and mites, prevention is crucial to enjoying your time outside. Try to wear lightly colored protective clothing and wear insect repellant with DEET (unfortunately, other repellents just don't seem to do the trick).
If you are bitten, avoid scratching as this will only worsen and perpetuate the itchiness and keep the itch-scratch cycle going. A few other suggestions for those itchy bites:
  • Oral antihistamines such as Claritin and topical cortisones, which are available at all major retail and drug stores
  • Cool compresses can really help calm the itching.
  • Avoid hot water and showers.
  • Sarna lotion can be kept in the refrigerator and is very soothing.
  • Try to avoid topical Benadryl as quite a few patients can become allergic to this topical.
Your dermatologist can also prescribe medications to help the itch subside faster. Consult a doctor if the bite is draining yellow drainage, if the surrounding redness is expanding, or if you develop systemic symptoms like fever, body aches, other rashes, etc.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer Sun Protection

It's that time of year when we all head outside any chance we can get.  As an active person myself, I definitely understand the importance of getting outside with the kids and I encourage my patients to do the same.  By getting outside and enjoying the sunshine you are encouraging your family to maintain an active lifestyle which can help keep them healthy over the long term.  However, we need to do so safely. 
  • Seek shade, wear a wide-brimmed hat like the Coolibar Sun Hat pictured below. It provides protection for your head and shoulders and it's packable, meaning it will maintain its shape even after being stuffed into a pool bag over and over again. There are dozens of styles and colors to choose from.
  • Cover up!  Sun protective clothing lines have come a long way in making light weight protective clothing and swim shirts. SwimZip is one of many lines that can help protect your skin while playing at the pool or waterpark.
  • Facial Sunscreen is a must.  In order to avoid sun damage to your face and neck, I advise investing in a high quality facial sunscreen to be worn every single day rain or shine.  EltaMD UV Clear is one of my favorites.  


Also, don't forget about the rest of your skin when you will be out 15 minutes or longer. Look for sun blocks with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to protect against UVA and UVB. I like CeraVe sunscreen, the EltaMD products mentioned above, and Aveeno mineral block. These are some of my favorites, but there are many more out there.  SPF 30+ is sufficient for most skin types, but higher SPF protection is recommended for lighter complexions.  Those sunscreens that boast a 100+ SPF factor are usually not much more protective than those mentioned above and not worth the money.  Make sure to apply an appropriate amount of sunscreen, which is a nickel-sized amount to the face alone and a shot-glass sized amount for the rest of the body. Remember to reapply every 60-80 minutes if you are in the water. Stay tuned for my sunscreen recommendations for babies and little ones!